Men's Ministry

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Men's Ministry

Men are essential to the fulfillment of the Church’s mission to spread the gospel.  Never before has it been more necessary for men to step up and take their God assigned responsibility to become leaders in their homes, churches, communities, and the entire world. 

We totally understand the challenges that this charge makes, and we want to equip our men to meet these challenges and become all God wants them to be.   No man is able to go this alone.  He needs other men in his life - men like the Apostle Paul (a mentor, or someone to instruct him), Barnabas (an encourager, or someone to walk along side of him during good times and bad), and Timothy (some he can pour his life lessons into). 

At Christ Community Fellowship, we are committed to touching men with the resources and support they need.   Our diverse range of activities include a weekly prayer and Bible study, men’s retreats, church and community outreach events, and leadership development programs.

 Our goal of Men’s Ministry is to have all the men in our body engaged and involved in the work God is doing!

Tuesday Morning Bible Study!

Men, join us every Tuesday morning at 6:30 AM, at our church campus, for our weekly Men's Bible Study. You can have coffee and breakfast and will have an opportunity to meet other men trying to be what God has called them to be. Whether you are a member of Christ Community Fellowship or not, you are welcome each week and encouraged to invite a friend.